
Sunghwan Cho, Sunmi-Kim, Misuk Cho, Wangi Kim, Dongmin Kim, Youngkwan Lee.“The Effect of Oligomer Blending on the Flow Properties of Polycarbonate” Macromolecular Research, 2009. 17, 12, 1021-1024

M. Lin, M.S. Cho, W.S Choe, Y.K. Lee. “Electrochemical analysis of copper ion using a Gly-Gly-His tripeptide modified poly(3-thiophene acetic) Biosensor” Biosen-Bioelectron, 2009. 25, 28-33

Meng Lin, Misuk Cho , Woo-seok Choe, Youngkeun Son, Youngkwan Lee. “Electrochemical detectron of copper ion using a modified copolythiophene electrode” Electrochim. Acta, 2009. 54, 7012-7017

Sunghwan Cho, Yunjoo Jang, Dongmin Kim, Taeyoung Lee, Dongho Lee,Youngkwan Lee. “High Molecular Weight Thermoplastic Polyether Ester Elastomer by Reactive Extrusion” Wiley InterScience, 2009. 49, 1456-1460

Changkyu Lee, Misuk Cho, Inhoi Kim, Jaedo Nam, Youngkwan Lee. “Effect of Zeolite Filler on the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Cellulose Diacetate” Polymer(Korea), 2009, 33 (3), 243-247

Youn Soo Kim , Jong Hyeok Park, Soo-Hyoung Lee, Youngkwan Lee. “Polymer photovoltaic devices using highly conductive poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene-methanol) electrode” Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 2009, 93, 1398–1403

S.J. Park, M.S. Cho, J.D. Nam, I.H. Kim, H.R Choi, J.C. Koo and Y. Lee. “The linear stretching actuation behavior of polypyrrole nanorod in AAO template” Sens. Actuator B-Chem, 2009, 135, 592-596

M.S. Cho, Y.Y. Yun, J.D. Nam, Y. Son, Y. Lee. “Effect of magnetic field on electrochemical polymerization of EDOT” Synth. Met, 2008, 158, 1043-1046

M.S. Cho, S.Y. Kim, J.D. Nam, Y. Lee. “Preparation of PEDOT/Cu composite film by in situ redox reaction between EDOT and copper(II) chloride”Synth. Met, 2008, 158, 865–869

Misuk cho, Yongkeun son, chaeseok choi, jaedo nam, youngkwan lee. “Deposition of gold shell on polypyrrole coated Poly(divinylbenzene) core”Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 2008, 491(1), 339-347

Minjeong Lee, Yongkeun Son, Jongseo Park, Youngkwan Lee. “Enhanced sensitivity of a glucose sensor adopting polymer microtubule” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 2008, 492(1), 155-164

Sangyool Lee, Mi-SukCho, Jae-DoNam, Youngkwan Lee. “New strategy and easy fabrication of solid-state supercapacitor based on polypyrrole and nitrile rubber” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol, 2008, 8, 4722–4725

Soyeon Kim, MisukCho, Jaedo Nam, Youngkwan Lee. “Fabrication and characterization of PEDOT/Au films by chemical vapor polymerization using Au+3oxidant” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol, 2008, 8, 4714–4717

Sangyool Lee, Mi-Suk Cho, Jae-Do Nam ,Youngkwan Lee. “Fabrication of Polypyrrole Nanorod Arrays for Supercapacitor: Effect of length of nanorods on capacitance” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol, 2008, 8, 5036–5041

임환규, 계형산, 원성호, 남재도, 이영관. “Cellulose Diacetate/CaCO3 복합체의 제조 및 물성” Polym.-Korea, 2008, 32(2), 178-182

S. Y. Kim, M. S. Cho, Y. Son, J.K.Chang, and Y. Lee. “Formation of gold nanoparticles during the vapor phase oxidative polymerization of EDOT using Au+3 oxidant” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 472, 201[591]–207[597]

M. S. Cho, K. X. Phan , J. D. Nam, Y. K. Son, Cheol-Woong Yang, and Y. Lee. “Evolution of core-shell structure using functional polystyrene and gold” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 2007, 472,193[583]–200[590]

M. S. Cho, H. J. Seo, J. D. Nam, H. R Choi, J. C. Koo, Y. Son, and Y. Lee. “Characteristics of PEDOT/NBR/PEDOT solid actuator depending on the NBR polarity” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 2007, 472, 289[679]–296[686]

M. S. Cho, H. J. Seo, J. D. Nam, H. R Choi, J. C. Koo, and Y. Lee. “High ionic conductivity and mechanical strength of solid polymer electrolytes based on NBR/ionic liquid and its application to an electrochemical actuator” Sens. Actuator B-Chem, 2007, 128, 70-74

M.S.Cho. K.X.Phan, Y.Lee, Y.K.Son. “A novel method of gold-coating on modified poly(divinylbenzen) cores using gold complex” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 2007, 464, 9-14 (591-596)

M.S.Cho. H.J.Seo, J.D.Nam, Y.Lee, Y.K.Son. “A solid state actuator based on the PEDOT/NBR system: Effect of anion size of imidazolium ionic liquid” Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2007, 464, 51-56 (633-638)

S. Y. Lee, M. S. Cho, J. D. Nam, Y. Lee. “Melting Processing of Biodegradable Cellulose Diacetate/Starch Composites” Macromol. Symp, 2006, 242, 126-130

이상율, 이승경, 계형산, 임환규, 이영관. “Cellulose diacetate/starch 복합체의 제조 및 물성 (Prerpation and properties of cellulose diacetate/starch composite)” Polym.-Korea, 2006, 30(6), 532-537

H.D.Son, M.S Cho, J.-D.Nam, S.M.Cho, C.H.Chung, H.-G.Choi, Y.Lee. “Depression of methanol-crossover using multilayer proton conducting membranes prepared by layer-by-laer deposition onto a porous polyethylene film” ” J. Power Sources, 2006, 163, 66-70

이상환, 이상율, 임환규, 남재도, 계형산, 이영관. “트리아세틴/ESO를 이용한 가소화 셀룰로오스 디아세테이트의 제조 및 물성(Preparation and Properties of Plasticized Cellulose Diacetate Using Triacetine/Epoxidized Soybean Oil)” Polym.-Korea, 2006, 30(3), 202-206

M.S.Cho, H.D. Son, J.D.Nam, S.J.Suh, and Y.Lee. “Proton conducting membrane using multi-layer acid-base complex formation on porous PE film” J. Membr. Sci, 2006, 284, 155-160

K.X.Phan, M.S.Cho, J.D.Nam, Y.Lee. “Fabrication of modified- poly(divinylbenzene)/Au Core-Shell structure” Synth. Met, 2006, 156, 872-877

S.H.Lee, S.Y.Lee, M.S.Cho, J.D.Nam, H.R.Choi, J.C.Koo, Y.Lee and S.Y.Lee. “Renewable Resource using Cellulose Derivatives by melt Process” Key. Eng. Mat, 2006, 326-328, 847-850

S.Y.Kim, M.S.Cho, J.D.Nam, H.R.Choi, J.C.Koo, and Y.Lee. “Transparent Conducting PEDOT Films on PET Substrate Using an Epoxy Acrylate” Key. Eng. Mat, 2006, 326-328, 1519-1522

K.X.Phan, M.S.Cho, J.D.Nam, H.R.Choi, J.C.Koo, and Y.Lee. “Preparation of Polydivinylbenzene/Au Core-Shell beeds” Key. Eng. Mat, 2006, 326-328, 1515-1518

M. S. Cho, H.J.Seo, J. D. Nam, H. R. Choi, J. C. Koo, K.G.Song, Y.Lee. “A Solid State Actuator Based on the PEDOT/NBR System” Sens. Actuator B, 2006, 119, 621-624

M. S. Cho, J. D. Nam, Y. Lee, H. R. Choi, J. C. Koo. “Dry Type Conducting Polymer Actuator Based on olypyrrole-NBR/Ionic Liquid System” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 2006, 444, 241-246

Boyoung Kim, Youngkwan Lee, Jae-Do Nam, Yongkeun Son. “The Electrochemical and Thermal Stability of PEDOT-based Composite Films” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 2006, 444, 191-196

B.Y. Kim, M.S.Cho, Y.S. Kim, Y. Son, and Y. Lee. “Fabrication and charcterization of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/gold nanocomposite via in-situ redox cycle system” Synth. Met, 2005, 153, 149-152

조미숙, 남재도, 최혁렬, 구자춘, 이영관. “Preparation of Solid Polymer Actuators Based on PEDOT/NBR/Ionic Liquid” Key. Eng. Mat, 2005, 297-300, 641-645

신보라, 조미숙, 김덕준, 심상준, 김지흥, 이동현, 남재도, 이영관. “폴리(에틸렌 글리콜) 디아크릴레이트/이온성 액체 젤형 고분자전해질의 제조 및 특성 연구” Polym.-Korea, 2005, 29(2) 216-220

이상환, 김덕준, 김지흥, 이동현, 심상준, 남재도, 계형산, 이영관. “변성전분-폴리락트산 블렌드의 상용성 및 물성” Polym.-Korea, 2004, 28(6), 519-523

조미숙, 최성헌, 남재도, 이영관. “셀룰로오즈 디아세테이트/몬모릴로나이트 나노복합체의 제조 및 기계적 물성” Polym.-Korea, 2004, 28(6), 551-554

조미숙, 신보라. 남재도. 이영관, 송기국. “Nanocomposite of polymer gel electrolyte based on PEGDA and Mg-Al LDH” Polym. Int, 2004, 53(0), 1523-1528

조미숙, 신보라, 최승덕, 이영관, 송기국. “Gel Polymer electroylte nanocomposite PEGDA with Mg-Al LDH” Electrochim. Acta, 2004, 50(0), 331-334

정희록, 조미숙, 안정호, 남재도, 이영관. “polymer gel electrolyte prepared from p( EG-co-PG) and their nanocomposite using organically modified MMT” J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 2004, 91(0), 894-899

이미영, 김병우, 남재도, 손용근, 서수정, 이영관. “In-situ formation of gold nanoparticle/conducting polymer nanocomposite” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 2003, 407(0), 397-402

이미영, 김철환, 구철수, 김복렬, 이영관. “The variation of structure and physical properties of XLPE during thermal aging process” Polym.-Korea, 2003, 27(3), 249-254

조미숙, 김명덕, 박성우, 윤기준, 남재도, 이종훈, 이영관. “analysis of cotton/polyester fabrics usi ng pyrolysis gas chromatography” Polym.-Korea, 2003, 27(3), 271-274

남재도, 김준명, 이성재, 이영관, 박찬석. “Morphology and thermal properties of PPS /ABS blend systems” J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 2003, 87(0), 661-665

남재도, 김재철, 김현주, 유동국, 정창조, 이영관, 김광진. “Oxy-PAN 섬유의 산도 변화에 대한 형태학적 거동 특성:Morphological Behavior of Oxy-PAN Fiber upon pH Variation” Polym.-Korea, 2002, 26(4), 492-500

이영관, 김상완, 이경섭, 조인희, 이주화, 이진우, 김광진, 남재도. “A Study on Elongation/Contraction Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Oxy-Polyacrylonitrile(PAN) Fiber in Basic/Acidic Solution for Artificial Muscle Applications” Polym.-Korea, 2002, 26(4), 468-476

김준명, 남재도, 박연흠, 박찬석, 이미영, 이영관. “Dynamic and Mechanical Properties of PPS/ABS Blends” Polym.-Korea, 2002, 26(1), 1-6

Youngkwan Lee, Said Sadki, Barbara Tsuie, and John R. Reynolds. “A New Narrow Band Gap Electroactive Polymer: Poly[2,5-bis{2-(3,4-ethylenedioxy)thienyl}silole]” Chem. Mater, 2001, 13, 2234-2236

박정태, 최혁렬, 김훈모, 전재욱, 남재도, 이두성, 김문선, 이영관. “Preparation and characterization of polypyrrole electroactive actuators” POLYMER-KOREA, 2001, 25(6), 826-832

Y.lee, S.Sadki, B.Tsuie, P.Schottland. J.R. Reynolds. “A new silole containing low bandgap electroactive polymer” SYNTHETIC METALS, 2001, 119, 77-78

Son, Y., Lim, C.-B., Choi, J.-S., Lee, Y. “A chemical process initiated by an electrochemical process of electrochromic polymer PEDOT” MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS, 2000, 349(1) 347-350

Son, Y., Park, H.-J., Choi, J.-S., Lee, Y. “Li ion transport of conducting polymer composite electrodes” MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS, 2000, 349(1), 343-346

Lee, Y, Kim, J., Nam, J., Park, C, Jang, S. “Morphology and Thermal Properties of PPS/ABS Blends” POLYMER-KOREA, 2000, 24(3), 366-373

Son, Y Lee, J Cho. “Preparation and Physical Properties of Conductive Poly(acrylonitrile) Fabrics Containing Polypyrrole” POLYMER-KOREA, 2000, 24(2), 276-280