● | Sunghwan Cho, Sunmi-Kim, Misuk Cho, Wangi Kim, Dongmin Kim, Youngkwan Lee.“The Effect of Oligomer Blending on the Flow Properties of Polycarbonate” Macromolecular Research, 2009. 17, 12, 1021-1024
● | M. Lin, M.S. Cho, W.S Choe, Y.K. Lee. “Electrochemical analysis of copper ion using a Gly-Gly-His tripeptide modified poly(3-thiophene acetic) Biosensor” Biosen-Bioelectron, 2009. 25, 28-33
● | Meng Lin, Misuk Cho , Woo-seok Choe, Youngkeun Son, Youngkwan Lee. “Electrochemical detectron of copper ion using a modified copolythiophene electrode” Electrochim. Acta, 2009. 54, 7012-7017
● | Sunghwan Cho, Yunjoo Jang, Dongmin Kim, Taeyoung Lee, Dongho Lee,Youngkwan Lee. “High Molecular Weight Thermoplastic Polyether Ester Elastomer by Reactive Extrusion” Wiley InterScience, 2009. 49, 1456-1460
● | Changkyu Lee, Misuk Cho, Inhoi Kim, Jaedo Nam, Youngkwan Lee. “Effect of Zeolite Filler on the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Cellulose Diacetate” Polymer(Korea), 2009, 33 (3), 243-247
● | Youn Soo Kim , Jong Hyeok Park, Soo-Hyoung Lee, Youngkwan Lee. “Polymer photovoltaic devices using highly conductive poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene-methanol) electrode” Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 2009, 93, 1398–1403
● | S.J. Park, M.S. Cho, J.D. Nam, I.H. Kim, H.R Choi, J.C. Koo and Y. Lee. “The linear stretching actuation behavior of polypyrrole nanorod in AAO template” Sens. Actuator B-Chem, 2009, 135, 592-596
● | M.S. Cho, Y.Y. Yun, J.D. Nam, Y. Son, Y. Lee. “Effect of magnetic field on electrochemical polymerization of EDOT” Synth. Met, 2008, 158, 1043-1046
● | M.S. Cho, S.Y. Kim, J.D. Nam, Y. Lee. “Preparation of PEDOT/Cu composite film by in situ redox reaction between EDOT and copper(II) chloride”Synth. Met, 2008, 158, 865–869
● | Misuk cho, Yongkeun son, chaeseok choi, jaedo nam, youngkwan lee. “Deposition of gold shell on polypyrrole coated Poly(divinylbenzene) core”Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 2008, 491(1), 339-347
● | Minjeong Lee, Yongkeun Son, Jongseo Park, Youngkwan Lee. “Enhanced sensitivity of a glucose sensor adopting polymer microtubule” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 2008, 492(1), 155-164
● | Sangyool Lee, Mi-SukCho, Jae-DoNam, Youngkwan Lee. “New strategy and easy fabrication of solid-state supercapacitor based on polypyrrole and nitrile rubber” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol, 2008, 8, 4722–4725
● | Soyeon Kim, MisukCho, Jaedo Nam, Youngkwan Lee. “Fabrication and characterization of PEDOT/Au films by chemical vapor polymerization using Au+3oxidant” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol, 2008, 8, 4714–4717
● | Sangyool Lee, Mi-Suk Cho, Jae-Do Nam ,Youngkwan Lee. “Fabrication of Polypyrrole Nanorod Arrays for Supercapacitor: Effect of length of nanorods on capacitance” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol, 2008, 8, 5036–5041
● | 임환규, 계형산, 원성호, 남재도, 이영관. “Cellulose Diacetate/CaCO3 복합체의 제조 및 물성” Polym.-Korea, 2008, 32(2), 178-182
● | S. Y. Kim, M. S. Cho, Y. Son, J.K.Chang, and Y. Lee. “Formation of gold nanoparticles during the vapor phase oxidative polymerization of EDOT using Au+3 oxidant” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 472, 201[591]–207[597]
● | M. S. Cho, K. X. Phan , J. D. Nam, Y. K. Son, Cheol-Woong Yang, and Y. Lee. “Evolution of core-shell structure using functional polystyrene and gold” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 2007, 472,193[583]–200[590]
● | M. S. Cho, H. J. Seo, J. D. Nam, H. R Choi, J. C. Koo, Y. Son, and Y. Lee. “Characteristics of PEDOT/NBR/PEDOT solid actuator depending on the NBR polarity” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 2007, 472, 289[679]–296[686]
● | M. S. Cho, H. J. Seo, J. D. Nam, H. R Choi, J. C. Koo, and Y. Lee. “High ionic conductivity and mechanical strength of solid polymer electrolytes based on NBR/ionic liquid and its application to an electrochemical actuator” Sens. Actuator B-Chem, 2007, 128, 70-74
● | M.S.Cho. K.X.Phan, Y.Lee, Y.K.Son. “A novel method of gold-coating on modified poly(divinylbenzen) cores using gold complex” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 2007, 464, 9-14 (591-596)
● | M.S.Cho. H.J.Seo, J.D.Nam, Y.Lee, Y.K.Son. “A solid state actuator based on the PEDOT/NBR system: Effect of anion size of imidazolium ionic liquid” Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2007, 464, 51-56 (633-638)
● | S. Y. Lee, M. S. Cho, J. D. Nam, Y. Lee. “Melting Processing of Biodegradable Cellulose Diacetate/Starch Composites” Macromol. Symp, 2006, 242, 126-130
● | 이상율, 이승경, 계형산, 임환규, 이영관. “Cellulose diacetate/starch 복합체의 제조 및 물성 (Prerpation and properties of cellulose diacetate/starch composite)” Polym.-Korea, 2006, 30(6), 532-537
● | H.D.Son, M.S Cho, J.-D.Nam, S.M.Cho, C.H.Chung, H.-G.Choi, Y.Lee. “Depression of methanol-crossover using multilayer proton conducting membranes prepared by layer-by-laer deposition onto a porous polyethylene film” ” J. Power Sources, 2006, 163, 66-70
● | 이상환, 이상율, 임환규, 남재도, 계형산, 이영관. “트리아세틴/ESO를 이용한 가소화 셀룰로오스 디아세테이트의 제조 및 물성(Preparation and Properties of Plasticized Cellulose Diacetate Using Triacetine/Epoxidized Soybean Oil)” Polym.-Korea, 2006, 30(3), 202-206
● | M.S.Cho, H.D. Son, J.D.Nam, S.J.Suh, and Y.Lee. “Proton conducting membrane using multi-layer acid-base complex formation on porous PE film” J. Membr. Sci, 2006, 284, 155-160
● | K.X.Phan, M.S.Cho, J.D.Nam, Y.Lee. “Fabrication of modified- poly(divinylbenzene)/Au Core-Shell structure” Synth. Met, 2006, 156, 872-877
● | S.H.Lee, S.Y.Lee, M.S.Cho, J.D.Nam, H.R.Choi, J.C.Koo, Y.Lee and S.Y.Lee. “Renewable Resource using Cellulose Derivatives by melt Process” Key. Eng. Mat, 2006, 326-328, 847-850
● | S.Y.Kim, M.S.Cho, J.D.Nam, H.R.Choi, J.C.Koo, and Y.Lee. “Transparent Conducting PEDOT Films on PET Substrate Using an Epoxy Acrylate” Key. Eng. Mat, 2006, 326-328, 1519-1522
● | K.X.Phan, M.S.Cho, J.D.Nam, H.R.Choi, J.C.Koo, and Y.Lee. “Preparation of Polydivinylbenzene/Au Core-Shell beeds” Key. Eng. Mat, 2006, 326-328, 1515-1518
● | M. S. Cho, H.J.Seo, J. D. Nam, H. R. Choi, J. C. Koo, K.G.Song, Y.Lee. “A Solid State Actuator Based on the PEDOT/NBR System” Sens. Actuator B, 2006, 119, 621-624
● | M. S. Cho, J. D. Nam, Y. Lee, H. R. Choi, J. C. Koo. “Dry Type Conducting Polymer Actuator Based on olypyrrole-NBR/Ionic Liquid System” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 2006, 444, 241-246
● | Boyoung Kim, Youngkwan Lee, Jae-Do Nam, Yongkeun Son. “The Electrochemical and Thermal Stability of PEDOT-based Composite Films” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 2006, 444, 191-196
● | B.Y. Kim, M.S.Cho, Y.S. Kim, Y. Son, and Y. Lee. “Fabrication and charcterization of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/gold nanocomposite via in-situ redox cycle system” Synth. Met, 2005, 153, 149-152
● | 조미숙, 남재도, 최혁렬, 구자춘, 이영관. “Preparation of Solid Polymer Actuators Based on PEDOT/NBR/Ionic Liquid” Key. Eng. Mat, 2005, 297-300, 641-645
● | 신보라, 조미숙, 김덕준, 심상준, 김지흥, 이동현, 남재도, 이영관. “폴리(에틸렌 글리콜) 디아크릴레이트/이온성 액체 젤형 고분자전해질의 제조 및 특성 연구” Polym.-Korea, 2005, 29(2) 216-220
● | 이상환, 김덕준, 김지흥, 이동현, 심상준, 남재도, 계형산, 이영관. “변성전분-폴리락트산 블렌드의 상용성 및 물성” Polym.-Korea, 2004, 28(6), 519-523
● | 조미숙, 최성헌, 남재도, 이영관. “셀룰로오즈 디아세테이트/몬모릴로나이트 나노복합체의 제조 및 기계적 물성” Polym.-Korea, 2004, 28(6), 551-554
● | 조미숙, 신보라. 남재도. 이영관, 송기국. “Nanocomposite of polymer gel electrolyte based on PEGDA and Mg-Al LDH” Polym. Int, 2004, 53(0), 1523-1528
● | 조미숙, 신보라, 최승덕, 이영관, 송기국. “Gel Polymer electroylte nanocomposite PEGDA with Mg-Al LDH” Electrochim. Acta, 2004, 50(0), 331-334
● | 정희록, 조미숙, 안정호, 남재도, 이영관. “polymer gel electrolyte prepared from p( EG-co-PG) and their nanocomposite using organically modified MMT” J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 2004, 91(0), 894-899
● | 이미영, 김병우, 남재도, 손용근, 서수정, 이영관. “In-situ formation of gold nanoparticle/conducting polymer nanocomposite” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst, 2003, 407(0), 397-402
● | 이미영, 김철환, 구철수, 김복렬, 이영관. “The variation of structure and physical properties of XLPE during thermal aging process” Polym.-Korea, 2003, 27(3), 249-254
● | 조미숙, 김명덕, 박성우, 윤기준, 남재도, 이종훈, 이영관. “analysis of cotton/polyester fabrics usi ng pyrolysis gas chromatography” Polym.-Korea, 2003, 27(3), 271-274
● | 남재도, 김준명, 이성재, 이영관, 박찬석. “Morphology and thermal properties of PPS /ABS blend systems” J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 2003, 87(0), 661-665
● | 남재도, 김재철, 김현주, 유동국, 정창조, 이영관, 김광진. “Oxy-PAN 섬유의 산도 변화에 대한 형태학적 거동 특성:Morphological Behavior of Oxy-PAN Fiber upon pH Variation” Polym.-Korea, 2002, 26(4), 492-500
● | 이영관, 김상완, 이경섭, 조인희, 이주화, 이진우, 김광진, 남재도. “A Study on Elongation/Contraction Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Oxy-Polyacrylonitrile(PAN) Fiber in Basic/Acidic Solution for Artificial Muscle Applications” Polym.-Korea, 2002, 26(4), 468-476
● | 김준명, 남재도, 박연흠, 박찬석, 이미영, 이영관. “Dynamic and Mechanical Properties of PPS/ABS Blends” Polym.-Korea, 2002, 26(1), 1-6
● | Youngkwan Lee, Said Sadki, Barbara Tsuie, and John R. Reynolds. “A New Narrow Band Gap Electroactive Polymer: Poly[2,5-bis{2-(3,4-ethylenedioxy)thienyl}silole]” Chem. Mater, 2001, 13, 2234-2236
● | 박정태, 최혁렬, 김훈모, 전재욱, 남재도, 이두성, 김문선, 이영관. “Preparation and characterization of polypyrrole electroactive actuators” POLYMER-KOREA, 2001, 25(6), 826-832
● | Y.lee, S.Sadki, B.Tsuie, P.Schottland. J.R. Reynolds. “A new silole containing low bandgap electroactive polymer” SYNTHETIC METALS, 2001, 119, 77-78
● | Son, Y., Lim, C.-B., Choi, J.-S., Lee, Y. “A chemical process initiated by an electrochemical process of electrochromic polymer PEDOT” MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS, 2000, 349(1) 347-350
● | Son, Y., Park, H.-J., Choi, J.-S., Lee, Y. “Li ion transport of conducting polymer composite electrodes” MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS, 2000, 349(1), 343-346
● | Lee, Y, Kim, J., Nam, J., Park, C, Jang, S. “Morphology and Thermal Properties of PPS/ABS Blends” POLYMER-KOREA, 2000, 24(3), 366-373
● | Son, Y Lee, J Cho. “Preparation and Physical Properties of Conductive Poly(acrylonitrile) Fabrics Containing Polypyrrole” POLYMER-KOREA, 2000, 24(2), 276-280