
이 영 관

Lee Youngkwan
E-mail :
Office : 25305B, 2nd engineering bldg


Ph.D. in University of Southern Mississippi, 1991
M.S. in University of Southern Mississippi ,1988
B.S. in Sungkyunkwan University, 1982


1. President of Research & Business Foundation, SKKU (2007.2~2011.1))
2. President, Leaders in Industry-University Cooperation, SKKU (2009.06~2012.05)
3. Leader, Division of Academic Industrial Callabolation Support,
 Gyeonggi Institute of Science & Technology Promotion (GISTEP) (2012.03~2014.02)
4. Director of Planning and Coordination, SKKU (2015.01~2016.12)

Selected paper

1. Soochan Kim, Sang Ha Lee, Misuk Cho, Youngkwan Lee. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2016. 85, 587-595
2. Chao Chen, Sang Ha Lee, Misuk Cho, Jaehoon Kim, Youngkwan Lee. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2016. 8, 4, 2658–2665
3. Jiao Yang ,Misuk Cho, Youngkwan Lee. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 75, 15–22
4. Sang Ha Lee, Sengyoen Park, Min Kim, Dohyeon Yoon, Chalathorn Chanthad, Misuk Cho, Jaehoon Kim, Jong Hyeok Park, Youngkwan Lee. Scientific Reports. 2016. 6. 1-9
5. Jiao Yang, Misuk Cho, Youngkwan Lee. Sensors and Actuators B, 2016, 222, 674–681
6. Sang Ha Lee, Hyuck Lee, Mi Suk Cho, and Youngkwan Lee, Chem. Commun. 51 (2015) 3391-3394
7. Jiao Yang, Meng Lin, MiSuk Cho, and Youngkwan Lee, Microchim. Acta. 182 (2015) 1089-1094
8. Hyeri Jung, Sang Ha Lee, Jiao Yang, Misuk Cho, and Youngkwan Lee, RSC Adv. 4 (2014) 47714-47720
9. Jiao Yang, Sung-Eun Kim, Misuk Cho, Ik-Keun Yoo, Woo-Seok Choe, and Youngkwan Lee, Biosens. Bioelectron. 61 (2014) 38–44
10. Sang Ha Lee, Hyuck Lee, Mi Suk Cho, Jae-Do Nam, and Youngkwan Lee, J. Mater. Chem. A 1 (2013) 14606-14611
11. Misuk Cho, Young Ill Oh, Jae Do Nam, and Youngkwan Lee, Cellulose 20 (2013) 3239-3245
12. Limin Chun, Sung-Eun Kim, Misuk Cho, Woo-Seok Choe, Jaedo Nam, Daniel W., and Lee Youngkwan Lee, Sens. Actuator B-Chem. 186 (2013) 446-450
13. Chao Chen, Misuk Cho, Jae-Do Nam, and Youngkwan Lee, Compos. Pt. A-Appl. Sci. Manuf. 53 (2013) 10–15
14. Soojeong Lee, Mi Suk Cho, Hyuck Lee, Jae-Do Nam, and Youngkwan Lee, J. Mater. Chem., 22 (2012) 1899-1903
15. Wenqiong Su, Meng Lin, Hyuck Lee, Mi-Suk Cho, Woo-Seok Choe, and Youngkwan Lee, Biosens. Bioelectron. 32 (2012) 32-36