1. Combustion and power generation from ammonia and hydrogen
• Cofiring of ammonia in coal power plants for low carbon electricity production
• Development of global reaction mechanism for ammonia-coal cofiring
• CFD analysis on ideal ammonia cofiring and burner retrofit strategy for commercialization in coal power plants and furnaces
• Collaboration with KEPCO, major power producers, and utility companies (Doosan Enerbility, BHI, etc.) in Korea

2. Hydrogen production by reforming and cracking
• Reformer design for hydrogen production from natural gas and biomgas
• CH4 pyrolysis in molten catalysts/salts for hydrogen production
• NH3 cracking for hydrogen production

3. Deep learning-based prediction and control of energy process
• Performance prediction of energy process using domain knowledge and AI-based models
• Suggestion for ideal values of operation variables based on forecast of key performance parameters
• NH3 cracking for hydrogen production

4. Energy production and utilization of biomass
• Thermochemical conversion (combustion, gasifcation, and pyrolysis) for biomass
• Torrefaction of biomass for fuel quality upgrading
• Analysis of pyrolysis kinetics and lignocellulosic composition
• Biochar production and utilization for soil/carbon fixation/chemicals

5. Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC)
• IGCC(¼®Åº°¡½ºÈ º¹ÇÕ¹ßÀü): Coal to CO and H2-rich syngas for combined cycle power generation
• New energy technology for pre-combustion CO2 capture and hydrogen production
• CFD-based flow, reaction, and heat transfer analysis on gasifier and downstream equipment
• Development of dynamic gasifier simulator integrating the wall slag layer model
• Support of Taean IGCC plant for operation diagnostics and coal selection

6. CFD for design and diagnostics of energy process
• Detailed analysis on flow, heat transfer, reactions, and other key phenomena in various energy processes
• Developement of user-subroutines for advanced CFD simulations
• Optimiation of new design developement and diagnostics of operation issues
