
    Derivation of kinetic parameters and lignocellulosic composition from thermogram of biomass pyrolysis using convolutional neural network
    Kim H, Jo H, Ryu C*, International Journal of Energy Research, Vol.2024, 6184508, 2024.12

    Characteristics of SO2 removal and heat recovery of flue gas based on a hybrid flue gas condenser
    Choi H, Yang W, Lee Y*, Ryu C, Energies, Vol. 17(24), 4799, 2024.09

    Dynamic responses of key performance parameters to O2/coal ratio fluctuations in a commercial Shell coal gasifier: Insights from a pseudo-2D reduced order model
    Park S, Nam J, Kim M, Park J, Lee S, Ryu C*, Fuel, Vol.372, 132013, 2024.06

    Design optimization of a cylindrical UV-C LED reactor for effective water disinfection with numerical simulations and test reactor fabrication
    Kang S, Bae J, Park S, Kim K, Lee J, Yoon C, Ryu C*, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Vol.12(2), 112366, 2024.04


    Numerical evaluation of heat transfer and conversion efficiency by tube design and flow configuration for a compact steam-methane reformer
    Koo Y, Kang S, Ra H, Yoon S, Ryu C*, Energies, Vol. 16(22), 7475, 2023.11

    Prediction of pyrolysis kinetics for torrefied biomass based on raw biomass properties and torrefaction severity
    Kim H, Yu S, Ra H, Yoon S, Ryu C*, Energy, Vol. 278, 127759, 2023.09

    Co-combustion of refuse plastic fuel from marine plastics with wood pellets in a fixed-bed: Identification of minimum cofiring ratio and ideal air flow rate
    Park JK, Yu S, Kim H, Jo H, Min K, Lee J, Heo J, Ryu C*, Fuel, Vol.344, 128092, 2023.07

    Numerical modeling of methane pyrolysis in a bubble column of molten catalysts for clean hydrogen production
    Park S, Kim M, Koo Y, Kang D, Kim Y, Park J, Ryu C*, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.48, pp.7385-7399, 2023.03

    Numerical investigations on overfire air design for improved boiler operation and lower NOx emission in commercial wall-firing coal power plants
    Kang W, Jo H, Lee J, Jang K, Ryu C*, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.219, Part B, 119604, 2023.01


    Progressive deconvolution of biomass thermogram to derive lignocellulosic composition and pyrolytic kinetics for parallel reaction model
    Kim H, Yu S, Kim M, Ryu C*, Energy, Vol. 254, 124446, 2022.09

    Relationship between torrefaction severity, product properties, and pyrolysis characteristics of various biomass
    Yu S, Kim H (co-first author), Park J, Lee Y, Park Y-K, Ryu C*, International Journal of Energy Research, Vol.46(6), pp.8145-8157, 2022.05

    A novel liquid air energy storage system using a combination of sensible and latent heat storage
    Ryu JY, Alford A, Lewis G, Ding Y, Li Y, Ahmad A, Kim H-J, Park S-H, Park J-P, Branch S, Yu S, Ryu C, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.203, 117890, 2022.02


    Influence of uneven secondary air supply and burner tilt on flow pattern, heat transfer, and NOx emissions in a 500 MWe tangential-firing coal boiler
    Jo H, Park JK, Kang W, Hong JS, Yoon SM, Ra HW, Ryu C*, Energies, Vol. 14(24), 8352, 2021.12

    Methane pyrolysis in molten potassium chloride: An experimental and economic analysis
    Boo J, Ko EH, Park N-K, Ryu C, Kim Y-H, Park J, Kang D*, Energies, 14(23), 8182, 2021.12

    Mechanistic insights into the (im)mobilization of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and zinc in a multi-contaminated soil treated with different biochars
    El-Naggar A, Chang SX, Cai Y, Lee YH, Wang J, Wang S-L, Ryu C, Rinklebe J*, Ok YS*, Environment International, Vol.156, 106638, 2021.11

    Evaluation of abnormal burner operation in an entrained flow coal gasifier using numerical modeling
    Nam J, Kim M, Sohn G, Ryu C*, Kim B, Lee J, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.191, 116859, 2021.06


    Reduction of unburned carbon and NOx emissions from a pulverized-wood-pellet boiler retrofitted for fuel switching from coal
    Lee J, Yu S (co-first author), Park J, Jo H, Park JK, Ryu C*, Jeong Y, Energies, Vol.13, 5077, 2020.09

    Synergistic effects of CO2 on ex situ catalytic pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass over a Ni/SiO2 catalyst
    Cho S, Jung S, Park Y, Tsang Y, Ryu C*, Kwon E. Journal of CO2 Utilization, Vol.39, 101182, 2020.07

    New reduced-order model optimized for online dynamic simulation of a Shell coal gasifier
    Kim M, Ye I, Jo H, Ryu C*, Kim B, Lee J. Applied Energy, Vol.263, 114634, 2020.04

    Evaluation of a distributed combustion concept using 1-D modeling for pressurized oxy-combustion system with low flue gas recirculation
    Jafari H, Yang W*, Ryu C, Fuel, Vol.263, p.116723, 2020.03

    Particle temperature and flue gas emission of a burning single pellet in air and oxy-fuel combustion
    Mock C, Park H, Ryu C, Manovic V, Choi SC*, Combustion and Flame, Vol.213, pp.156-171, 2020.03

    Detailed assessment of mesh sensitivity for CFD simulation of coal combustion in a tangential-firing boiler
    Jo H, Kang K, Park JK, Ryu C*, Ahn H, Go Y, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.34(2), pp.917-930, 2020.02

    Biochar-induced metal immobilization and soil biogeochemical process: An integrated mechanistic approach
    El-Naggar A, Lee M-H, Hur J, Lee YH, Igalavithana AD, Shaheen SM, Ryu C, Rinklebe J, Tsang DCW*, Ok YS*, Science of The Total Environment, Vol.698(1), 134112, 2020.01


    Numerical analysis on the performance of a 300 MW IGCC coal gasifier under various operating conditions
    Kim M, Sohn G (co-first author), Ye I, Ryu C*, Kim B, Lee J, Fuel, Vol. 257 (1), 116063, 2019.12

    Optimization of air distribution to reduce NOx emission and unburned carbon for the retrofit of a 500 MWe tangential-firing coal boiler
    Jo H, Kang K, Park JK. Ryu C*, Ahn H, Go Y, Energies, Vol.12 (17), 3281, 2019.09

    Improving energy density and grindability of wood pellets by dry torrefaction
    Yu S, Park J, Kim M, Kim H, Ryu C*, Lee Y, Yang W, and Jeong Y, Energy & Fuels, Vol.33, pp.8632-8639, 2019.08

    Extended flat voltage profile of hard carbon synthesized using a two-step carbonization approach as an anode in sodium ion batteries
    Alvin S, Yoon D, Chandra C, Susanti RF, Chang W, Ryu C, Kim J*, Journal of Power Sources, Vol.430, pp.157-168, 2019.08

    Characterization of biochar and byproducts from slow pyrolysis of hinoki cypress
    Yu S, Park J (co-first authors), Kim M, Ryu C*, Bioresource Technology Reports, Vol. 6, pp.217-222, 2019.06

    Design evaluation of diesel-oxygen diffusion flame burner for start-up of high-pressure coal gasifier
    Park JK, Ryu C*, Lee SH, Jung W, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.36, pp.404-410, 2019.03.

    Determination of effective reaction conditions for char gasification in an entrained flow reactor
    Sohn G, Ye I, Ryu C*, Ra HW, Yoon SM, Energy & Fuels, Vol.33, pp.148-158, 2019.01

    Clean and energy-efficient mass production of biochar by process integration: Evaluation of process concept
    Kim M, Park J, Yu S, Ryu C*, Park J, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol.355, pp.840-849, 2019.01

    Thermal resistance by slagging and its relationship with ash properties for six coal blends in a commercial coal-fired boiler
    Park H, Lee J, Kim H, Park S, Baek S, Ye I, Ryu C*, Fuel, Vol.235, pp.1377-1386, 2019.01


    Influence of soil properties and feedstocks on biochar potential for carbon mineralization and improvement of infertile soils
    El-Naggar A, Lee SS, Awad YM, Yang X, Ryu C, Rizwan M, Rinklebe J, Tsang DCW, Ok YS*, Geoderma, Vol.332, pp.100-108, 2018.12

    Investigation of flame characteristics for various design parameters in a pulverized coal burner for oxy-fuel retrofitting
    Chae T, Yang W*, Ryu C, Park H, International Journal of Energy Research, vol.42, pp.3206-3217, 2018.08

    Effects of solvent participation and controlled product separation on biomass liquefaction: A case study of sewage sludge
    Prajitno H, Park JK, Ryu C, Park HY, Lim HS, Kim J*, Applied Energy, Vol.218, pp.402-416, 2018.05

    Review of the use of activated biochar for energy and environmental applications
    Lee HW, Kim Y-M, Kim S, Ryu C, Park SH, Park Y-K*, Carbon Letters, Vol.26, pp.1-10, 2018.04

    Comparative characterization of a torrefied wood pellet under steam and nitrogen atmospheres
    Lee Y, Won Y*, Chae TY, Kang B, Park J, Ryu C*, Energy & Fuels, Vol.32, pp.5109-5114, 2018.04

    Effect of slag viscosity model on transient simulations of wall slag flow in an entrained coal gasifier
    Kim M, Ye I, Ryu C*, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.35 (5), pp. 1065-1072, 2018.01


    High-yield bio-oil production from macroalgae (Saccharina japonica) in supercritical ethanol and its combustion behavior
    Zeb H, Park JK, Riaz A, Ryu C, Kim J*, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol.327, pp.79-90, 2017.11

    CFD analysis on bioliquid co-firing with heavy fuel oil in a 400 MWe power plant with a wall-firing boiler
    Park JK, Park S, Ryu C*, Baek SH, Kim YJ, Park HY, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 124, pp.1247-1256, 2017.09

    Slow pyrolyzed biochar from crop residues for soil metal(loid) immobilization and microbial community abundance in contaminated agricultural soils
    Igalavithana AD, Park J, Ryu C, Lee YH, Hashimoto Y, Huang L, Kwon EE, Ok YS*, Lee SS*, Chemosphere, Vol.177, pp.157-166, 2017.06

    Numerical analysis on transient behaviors of slag layer in an entrained-flow coal gasifier
    Kim M, Ye I, Ryu C*, Fuel, Vol.196, pp.532-542, 2017.05

    Efficient renewable fuel production from sewage sludge using a supercritical fluid route
    Prajitno H, Zeb H, Park J, Ryu C, Kim J*, Fuel, Vol.200, pp.146-152, 2017.03


    Analysis of performance for centrifugal steam compressor
    Kang S-H, Ryu C, Ko HS*, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.30 (12), pp.5521-5527, 2016.12

    Characteristics of syngas reburning in a natural gas firing furnace - Effects of combustible gas species in the syngas
    Chae T, Lee J, Yang W*, Ryu C, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.30 (8), pp.3861-3868, 2016.08

    Production and utilization of biochar: A review
    Cha JS, Park SH, Jung S-C, Ryu C, Jeon J-K, Shin M-C, Park Y-K*, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 40, pp.1-15, 2016.08

    Experimental study of fry-drying and melting system for industrial wastewater sludge
    Chae J-S, Choi S-A, Kim Y-H, Oh S-C, Ryu C, Ohm T-I*, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol.313, pp.78-84, 2016.08

    Reduction of primary tar vapor from biomass by hot char particles in fixed bed gasification
    J Park, Y Lee, C Ryu*, Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol.90, pp.114-121, 2016.06

    Non-catalytic upgrading of fast pyrolysis bio-oil in supercritical ethanol and combustion behavior of the upgraded oil
    Prajitno H, Insyani R, Park JK, Ryu C, Kim J*, Applied Energy, Vol.172, pp.12-22, 2016.06

    Removal of copper(II) in aqueous solution using pyrolytic biochars derived from red macroalga Porphyra tenera
    Park SH, Cho HJ, Ryu C, Park Y-K*, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 36, pp.314-319, 2016.04

    Partial oxidation of sewage sludge briquettes in a updraft fixed bed
    Kim M, Lee Y, Park J, Ryu C*, Ohm TI, Waste Management, Vol.49, pp.204-211, 2016.03


    Effect of steam activation of biochar produced from a giant Miscanthus on copper sorption and toxicity
    Shim T, Yoo J, Ryu C, Park Y, Jung J*, Bioresource Technology, Vol. 197, pp.85-90, 2015.12

    CFD analysis of combustion characteristics for fuel switching to bioliquid in oil-fired power plant
    Park JK, Park S, Kim M, Ryu C*, Baek SH, Kim YJ, Kim HH, Park HY, Fuel, Vol. 159, pp.324-333, 2015.11

    Influence of critical viscosity and its temperature on the slag behavior on the wall of an entrained coal gasifier
    Ye I, Ryu C*, Koo JH, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 87, pp.175-184, 2015.08

    Low-temperature reactivity of coals for evaluation of spontaneous combustion propensity
    Kim J, Lee Y, Ryu C*, Park HY, Lim H, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 32 (7), pp.1297-1304, 2015.07

    Numerical modeling of slag flow and heat transfer on the wall of an entrained coal gasifier
    Ye I, Ryu C*, Fuel, Vol. 150, pp.64-74, 2015.06

    Effects of design/operating parameters and physical properties on slag thickness and heat transfer during coal gasification
    Ye I, Oh J, Ryu C*, Energies, Vol.8, pp.3370-3385, 2015.04

    Catalytic fast pyrolysis of Geodae-Uksae 1 over zeolites
    Jin SH, Lee HW, Ryu C, Jeon JK, Park Y-K*, Energy, Vol. 81 (1), pp.41-46, 2015.03

    Effects of detailed operating parameters on combustion in two 500 MWe coal-fired boilers of an identical design
    Yang J, Kim JA, Hong J, Kim M, Ryu C*, Kim YJ, Park HY, Baek SH, Fuel, Vol.144, pp.145-156, 2015. 03.

    Hydrodeoxygenation of guaiacol over Pt/Al-SBA-15 catalysts
    Yu MJ, Park SH, Jeon JK, Ryu C, Sohn JM, Kim SC, Park Y-K*, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol.15(1), pp.527-531, 2015.01


    Modeling and analysis of a syngas cooler with concentric evaporator channels in a coal gasification process
    Oh J, Ye I, Park S, Ryu C*, Park SK, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 31, pp 2136-2144, 2014.12

    Graphene oxide membrane for liquid phase organic molecular separation
    Liu R, Arabale G, Kim J, Sun K, Lee Y, Ryu C, Lee C*, Carbon, Vol. 77, pp.933-938, 2014.10

    Gas and particle flow characteristics in the gas reversing chamber of a syngas cooler for a 300MWe IGCC process
    Park S, Ye IS, Oh J, Ryu C*, Koo JH, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 70 (1), pp. 388-396, 2014.09

    Metal-mesh based transparent electrode on a 3-dimensional curved surface by electrohydrodynamic jet printing
    Seong B, Yoo H, Nguyen VD, Jang Y, Ryu C, Byun D*, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol.24(9), 097002, 2014.08

    Catalytic upgrading of Geodae-Uksae 1 over mesoporous MCM-48 catalysts
    Jeon KJ, Jin SH, Park SH, Jeon JK, Jung SC, Ryu C, Park Y-K*, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, Vol. 35 (7), pp.1951-1955, 2014.07

    Influence of reaction conditions on bio-oil production from pyrolysis of construction waste wood
    Kim JW, Lee HW, Lee IG, Jeon JK, Ryu C, Park SH, Jeong SC, Park Y-K*, Renewable Energy, Vol.65, pp.41-48, 2014.05

    Copyrolysis of block polypropylene with particle board and medium density fiber
    Park HJ, Choi SJ, Heo HS, Yoo KS, Ryu C, Yim JH, Jeon JK, Park Y-K*, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Vol.36 (9), pp.958-965, 2014.05

    Influence of reaction parameters on pyrolysis of waste wood polymer composite
    Jeong CS, Park SH, Lee IG, Ryu C, Jung SC, Ko CH, Park Y-K*, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, Vol. 8 (2), pp.143-148, 2014.04

    Slow pyrolysis of rice straw: analysis of products properties, carbon and energy yields
    Park J, Lee Y, Ryu C*, Park Y-K, Bioresource Technology, Vol. 155, pp.63-70, 2014.03

    Highly stretchable piezoelectric-pyroelectric hybrid nanogenerator
    Lee JH, Lee KY, Gupta MK, Kim TY, Lee DY, Oh J, Ryu C, Yoo WJ, Kang CY, Yoon SJ, Yoo JB, Kim SW*, Advanced Materials, Vol.26 (5), pp.765-769, 2014.02


    Catalytic gasification of mandarin waste residue using Ni/CeO2-ZrO2
    Kim SS, Kim JW, Park SH, Jung SC, Jeon JK, Ryu C, Park Y-K*, Bulletin of Korean Chemical Society, Vol. 34(11), 3387-3390, 2013.11

    Comparison of biochar properties from biomass residues produced by slow pyrolysis at 500 oC
    Lee Y, Park J, Ryu C*, Gang KS, Yang W, Park Y-K, Jung J, Hyun S, Bioresource Technology, Vol.148, pp.196-201, 2013.11

    Assessment of combustion and heat transfer in Youngdong 100 MWe retrofit boiler for demonstration
    of oxy-coal combustion
    Kim JA, Ryu C*, Yang W, Kim Y, Park H, Kim HP, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol.17: 250-258, 2013.09

    Flow and heat transfer characteristics in the syngas quench system of a 300 MWe IGCC process
    Ye IS, Park S, Ryu C*, Park SK, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.58: 11-21, 2013.09

    Biodiesel production via the transesterification of soybean oil using waste starfish (Asterina pectinifera)
    Jo YB, Park SH, Jeon JK, Ko CH, Ryu C, Park Y-K*, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Vo.170(6):1426-1436, 2013.07

    Characterization of cadmium removal from aqueous solution by biochar produced from a giant Miscanthus at different pyrolytic temperatures 
    Kim WK, Kim YS, Hyun S, Ryu C, Park Y-K, Jung J*, Bioresource Technology, Vol.138:266-270, 2013.06

    Catalytic conversion of particle board over microporous catalysts
    Choi SJ, Park SH, Jeon JK, Lee IG, Ryu C, Suh DJ, Park Y-K*Renewable Energy, Vol. 54:105-110. 2013.06

    Combustion and heat transfer characteristics of oxy-coal combustion in a 100MWe front-wall-fired furnace
    Park S, Kim JA, Ryu C*, Chae T, Yang W, Kim YJ, Park HY, Lim HC, Fuel, Vol. 106: 718-729. 2013.04

    Process consideration of fry-drying combined with steam compression for efficient fuel production from sewage sludge
    Hong S, Ryu C*, Ko HS, Ohm TI, Chae JS. Applied Energy, Vol. 103: 468-476. 2013.03

    Numerical investigation of the spreading and heat transfer characteristics of ex-vessel core melt
    Ye IS, Kim JE, Ryu C*, Ha KS, Kim HY, Song  JH, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 45(1): 21-28, 2013.02

    Characteristics of biochar from slow pyrolysis of Geodae-Uksae 1
    Lee Y, Eum PRB, Ryu C*, Park Y-K, Jung J-H, Hyun S. Bioresource Technology, Vol. 130: 345-350, 2013.02

    Combined heat and power from municipal solid waste: current practice and issues in South Korea  
    Ryu C*, Shin D, Energies, Vol. 6(1): 45-57. 2013.01


    Effects of gas and particle emissions on wall radiative heat flux in oxy-fuel combustion
    Park S, Ryu C*, Yang W, Kim Y, Lee S, Seo, S, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 26(5): 1633-1641, 2012


    The application of Py-GC/MS for the catalytic upgrading of oil separated from summer food waste leachate
    Park Y-K, Lee HW, Jeon J-K, Kim S-S, Ryu C, Kim JM, Chae H-J, Jeong K-E, Research on Chemical Intermediates, Vol. 37: 1283-1291, 2011.11

    Surfacial thermochemical reaction control utilizing planar anisotropic thermal conduit
    Hong S, Hong S, Lee T-R, Kim Y-J, Ryu C*, Baik S*, Energy & Environmental Science, Vol. 4(6): 2045-2049, 2011.06

    Assessment of wood pellet combustion in a domestic stove
    Lee Y-W, Ryu C*, Lee W-J, Park Y-K, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Vol. 13: 165-172, 2011.10

    Copyrolysis of block polypropylene with waste wood chip
    Jeon M-J, Choi SJ, Yoo K-S, Ryu C, Park SH, Lee JM, Park Y-K*, Jeon J-K, Kim S, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 28(2), 497-501, 2011.02

    Ash deposit characterization in a large-scale waste-to-energy incineration plant
    Phongphiphat A, Ryu C, Finney K*, Sharifi V N, Swithenbank J. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 186: 218-226, 2011.2

    The characteristics of bio-oil produced from the pyrolysis of three marine macroalgae
    Bae YJ, Ryu C, Jeon J-K, Park J, Suh DJ, Suh Y-W, Park Y-K*, Bioresource Technology, Vol. 102(3): 3512-3520, 2011.02


    Investigation into high-temperature corrosion in a large-scale municipal waste-to-energy plant

    Phongphiphat A, Ryu C, Yang YB, Finney K, Leyland A, Sharifi V, Swithenbank J, Corrosion Science 52(12): 3861-3874, 2010.12


    Influence of operation variables on fast pyrolysis of Miscanthus sinensis var. purpurascens

    Heo HS, Park HJ, Yim J, Sohn JM, Park J, Ryu C, SS Kim, Ryu C, Jeon J, Park Y-K*, Bioresource Technology, Vol.101(10): 3672-3677, 2010.05

    Potential of municipal solid waste for renewable energy production and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in South Korea
    Ryu C, Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, Vol.60(2): 176-183, 2010.02

    Clean bio-oil production from fast pyrolysis of sewage sludge: Effects of reaction conditions and metal oxide catalysts
    Park HJ, Heo HS, Park Y-K*, Yim J-H, Jeon J-K, Park J. Ryu C, Kim SS, Bioresource Technology, Vol.101(1S): S83-S85, 2010.01

    Bio-oil production from fast pyrolysis of waste furniture sawdust in a fluidized bed
    Heo HS, Park HJ, Park Y-K*, Ryu C*, Suh DJ, Suh Y, Yim J, Kim S, Bioresource Technology, Vol.101(1S): S91-S96, 2010.01 (*Corresponding author)


    Tar reduction in pyrolysis vapours from biomass over a hot char bed
    Gilbert P, Ryu C*, Sharifi VN, Swithenbank J, Bioresource Technology, Vol. 100 (23): 6045-6051, 2009.12 (*Corresponding author)

    Effect of process parameters on pelletisation of herbaceous crops
    Gilbert P, Ryu C*, Sharifi VN, Siwthenbank J. Fuel, Vol.88, 1491-1497, 2009.08 (*Corresponding author)

    From incineration to advanced fluid-bed gasification of waste
    Yassin L, Lettieri P, Simons S.J.R, Castillo-Castillo A , Leach M, Ryu C, Swithenbank J, Sharifi V,
    Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Waste and Resource Management, Vol. 162(3), pp169-177, 2009.08

    Thermal technology scales in future waste management strategies
    Castillo-Castillo A , Leach M, Yassin L, Lettieri P, Simons S.J.R, Ryu C, Swithenbank J, Sharifi V
    Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Waste and Resource Management, Vol. 162(3), pp151-168, 2009.08

    Waste segregation presents thermal treatment opportunities
    Ryu C, Yang YB, Gilbert P, Chung W, Phan AN, Le AK, Khor A, Chen Q, Sharifi VN, Swithenbank J,
    Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Waste and Resource Management , Vol. 162(1): 45-59, 2009.02

    The reuse of spent mushroom compost and coal tailings for energy recovery: Comparison of thermal treatment technologies
    Karen N. Finney, Changkook Ryu, Vida N. Sharifi, Jim Swithenbank, Bioresource Technology, Vol. 100(1): 310-315, 2009.01


    Pelletised Fuel Production from Coal Tailings and Spent Mushroom Compost -  Part I. Identification of Pelletisation Parameters
    Ryu C*, Finney K, Sharifi V N and Swithenbank J, Fuel Processing Technology, Vol.89(3): 269-275, 2008.3  

    Pelletised Fuel Production from Coal Tailings and Spent Mushroom Compost - Part II. Economic Feasibility Based on Cost Analysis
    Ryu C*, Khor A, Sharifi V N and Swithenbank J, Fuel Processing Technology, Vol.89(3): 276-283, 2008.3

    Characterisation of Slow Pyrolysis Products from Segregated Wastes for Energy Production
    Phan NA, Ryu C*, Sharifi V N and Swithenbank J, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Vol.81(1): 65-71, 2008.1 (*Corresponding author),


    A liquid tin irrigated packed bed for hot fuel gas desulfurization
    Ryu C, Ismail M H S, Sharifi V N and Swithenbank J, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vo.46(26): 9015-9021, 2007.12.

    Co-combustion of textile residues with waste wood and cardboard in a packed bed
    Ryu C, Phan NA, Sharifi V N and Swithenbank J, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 32 (2): 450-458, 2007.11

    Thermal waste treatment innovations for sustainable energy
    Ryu C, Sharifi V N and Swithenbank J, Proceedings of ICE: Engineering Sustainability, Vol. 160 (3): 133-140, 2007.9

    Combustion of textile residues in a packed bed
    Ryu C, Phan NA, Sharifi V N and Swithenbank J, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 31 (8): 887-895. 2007.

    Ignition and burning rates of segregated waste combustion in packed beds
    Ryu C, Phan NA, Yang YB, Sharifi V N and Swithenbank J, Waste Management, Vol.27 (6): 802-810, 2007.06

    Combustion of refuse-derived fuel in a fluidised bed
    Hernandez-Atonal D, Ryu C*, Sharifi V N and Swithenbank J,, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol.62: 627-635, 2007.01 (*Corresponding author)

    Waste pyrolysis and generation of storable char
    Ryu C, Sharifi VN, Swithenbank J. International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 31: 177-191, 2007.02

    Straw combustion in a fixed bed combustor
    Khor A, Ryu C*, Yang YB, Sharifi VN, Swithenbank J, Fuel, Vol. 86, 152–160, 2007.01. (*Corresponding author)

    Mathematical modelling of slow pyrolysis of segregated solid wastes in a packed-bed pyrolyser
    Yang YB, Phan NA, Ryu C, Sharifi VN, Swithenbank J, Fuel, Vol. 86, 169–180, 2007.01.


    Effect of model and operating parameters on air gasification of char
    Yang YB, Ryu C, Sharifi VN, Swithenbank J., Energy and Fuels, Vol.20(4), pp1698-1708, 2006.07

    Effect of fuel properties on biomass combustion: Part I. Experiments—fuel type, equivalence ratio and particle size
    Ryu C, Yang YB, Khor A, Yates N E, Sharifi V N and Swithenbank J, Fuel, Vol 85 (7-8), pp1039-1046, 2006.05


    Effect of fuel properties on biomass combustion: Part II modelling approach - identification of the controlling factors
    Yang YB, Ryu C, Khor A, Yates N E, Sharifi V N and Swithenbank J, Fuel, Vol.84 (16), pp 2116-2130, 2005.12

    Fuel size effect on pinewood combustion in a packed bed
    Yang YB, Ryu C, Khor A, Sharifi VN and Swithenbank J, Fuel, Vol 84(16), pp 2026-2038, 2005.11


    Unsteady one-dimensional model for a bed combustion of solid fuels
    Yang W, Ryu C, Choi S, Proceedings of IMechE Part A: J. Power and Energy, Vol.218, pp589-598, 2004.12

    Thermal reaction modeling of a large municipal solid waste incinerator
    Ryu C, Yang YB, Sharifi VN and Swithenbank J, Combustion Science and Technology, Vol.176, pp1891-1907, 2004.11

    Gasification of wood char by ultra-superheated steam in an entrained flow reactor
    Ryu C, Nasserzadeh V. and Swithenbank J, Journal of the Energy Institute, Vol.77, pp46-52, 2004.09

    Modelling waste combustion in grate furnaces
    Yang YB, Ryu C, Anderson S, Sharifi VN and Swithenbank J, Trans IChemE, Vol.82(B3): 208-222, 2004.05.

    Modeling of combustion and heat transfer in an iron ore sintering bed with considerations of multiple solid phases
    Yang W, Ryu C, Choi S, Choi E, Lee D, Huh W, ISIJ International, Vol.44, n 3: 492-499, 2004.03

    Mathematical model and case studies of thermal process in an iron ore sintering bed
    Yang W, Ryu C, Choi S, Choi E, Lee D, Huh W, Metals and Materials International, Vol.10, No. 5: 493-500, 2004.


    Continuous Measurement of Metals in Flue Gas Using ICP-OES
    Clarkson PJ, Poole DJ, Ryu C, Sharifi VN, Swithenbank J, Waarlo H-J, Ardelt D, Falk H,  Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol.377(1) pp.39-47, 2003.9

    ~ 2002

    Combined bed combustion and gas flow simulation for a grate type incinerator
    Ryu C, Shin D and Choi S, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, Vol.52, no.2: 189-197, 2002.

    Effect of fuel layer mixing in a grate-type incinerator
    Ryu C, Shin D and Choi S, Advances in Environmental Research, Vol.5(3): 259-267, 2001

    Bed combustion and gas flow model for MSW Incinerator
    Ryu C, Shin D and Choi S, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol.1: 141-148, 2001

    Computational fluid dynamics evaluation of good combustion performance in waste incinerators
    Shin D, Ryu C, and Choi S, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, Vol. 48, no. 4pp.345-351, 1998.4

    Design consideration for the cross jet air mixing in the MSW incinerators
    Ryu C and Choi S,  Int. Journal of Energy Research, Vol.21: 695-706, 1997

    3-Dimensional simulation on air mixing in the municipal solid waste incinerators
    Ryu C and Choi S, Combustion Science and Technology, Vol.119: 155-170, 1996. 10

Energy Engineering Lab, School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
Suwon 16419, South Korea; Tel. +82-(0)-31-299-4694