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Author /  Subject





Jin Hong Kim, Ji Woong Lee, Ueon Sang Shin, Jin Yong Lee, Sang-gi Lee, Choong Eui Song,

"Activation of Lewis acid catalysts in the presence of an organic salt containing a non-coordinating anion: its origin and application potential",

Chem. Comm. 2007, 44, 4683-4685 (2007. 11. 28)









Ping Lou, Sunwoo Kang, Kyung Chul Ko, and Jin Yong Lee*,

"Solubility of small molecule in ionic liquids: A model study on the ionic size effect",

J. Phys. Chem. B, 2007, 111, 13047-13051 (2007. 11. 15)





Seok Min Yoon, In-Chul Hwang, Namsoo Shin, Docheon Ahn, Sang Joo Lee, Jin Yong Lee, Hee Cheul Choi,

"Vaporization−Condensation−Recrystallization Process-Mediated Synthesis of Helical m-Aminobenzoic Acid Nanobelts",

Langmuir 2007, 23, 11875-11882 (2007. 11. 6)





Ping Lou and Jin Yong Lee*,

"Emptiness formation probability for the spin-1/2 XX chain with three spin and uniform long-range interactions",

Condensed Matter Physics 2007, 10, 425-432. (SCIE, invited, special issue for the celebration of Prof. Hirata's 60th birthday)





Shihai Yan, Sang Joo Lee, Sunwoo Kang, and Jin Yong Lee*,

"Computational Approaches in MolecularRecognition, Self-assembly, Electron Transport, and Surface Chemistry",

Supramolecular Chemistry 2007, 19, 229-241 (2007. 8. )





Ping Lou, Chandan Kumar Mondal, Sunwoo Kang, Kunhye Lee, Kyoung Koo Baeck, and Jin Yong Lee*,

"Modeling of thermal effects on Photo-dissociation dynamics of diatomic molecular ion HCl+",

Chem. Phys. 2007, 336, 103-108 (2007. 7. 27.)





 Mi Young Yoon, Jin Hong Kim, Doo Seoung Choi, Ueon Sang Shin, Jin Yong Lee, Choong Eui Song,

"Metal Triflate-Catalyzed Regio- and Stereoselective Friedel-Crafts Alkenylation of Arenes with Alkynes in an Ionic Liquid: Scope and Mechanism",

Adv. Synth. Catal. 2007, 349, 1725-1737 (2007. 7. 2.)





Shihai Yan, Sang Joo Lee, Sunwoo Kang, Kwang-Hyun Choi, Soon Ki Rhee, and Jin Yong Lee*,

"Attractive Sulfur-pi Interaction between Fluorinated Dimethyl Sulfur (FDMS) and Benzene",

Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2007, 28, 959-964 (2007. 6. 20.)





Jin Ho Ryu, Young Jun Seo, Gil Tae Hwang, Jin Yong Lee*, and Byeang Hyean Kim,

"Triad base pairs containing fluorene unit for quencher-free SNP typing",

Tetrahedron 2007, 63, 3538-3547 (2007. 4. 23. )





Soo Jin Lee, Shim Sung Lee, Il Yun Jeong, Jin Yong Lee*, Jong Hwa Jung,

"Azobenzene coupled chromogenic receptors for the selective detection of copper(II) and its application as a chemosensor kit",

 Tetrahedron Lett. 2007, 48, 393-396 (2007. 1. 15)




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